Schultz Book Log

Wednesday, February 06, 2008

The fourth chapter of "Two Innocents in China"

Today, they visit a Chinese prison, where prisoners are kept in barless cells with large windows that allow air and sunlight to filter in. The officials explain that they do not punish, but instead educate the prisoners - a euphemism for indoctrination, the teaching of Marxist ideas to replace old habits. I was reminded of Orwell's 1984, where the prisoners are captured for "thoughtcrime" and brainwashed into being wholehearted supporters of the regime that controls them. Obviously Chinese culture was not as punitive as it is now - you can be executed for trafficking drugs or pornography - but there are ominous hints of the changes to come.

Once again the theme of bureaucracy vs. decency crops up. Though the tour guide is very kind, he is followed by two or three scribes who take down everything he says in case the Canadian visitors misquote him.


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