Schultz Book Log

Wednesday, February 06, 2008

The fifth chapter of "Two Innocents in China"

"Two Innocents" has proven to be more full of theme and intrigue than most novels I've read. The authors have brilliantly focused on four or five main points that they are trying to make, and they find fresh ways every time to introduce them. Once again, they compared the eager lust for obedience that devotees of Communism have to the evangelical fervour of diehard Christians. There is also a spectacular moment in this chapter where the duo realize that the Western prejudices Trudeau speaks of in the preamble towards the Chinese are very much reciprocated on the other side of the Pacific. The Chinese are taught to pity and distrust those who haven't found the True Way, much as Red-baiters in North America labeled any left-leaning public figure as a dirty commie.


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